
terms and conditions

any one can use the blog, for education and for learnnig, so is also my bot, give me constructive feedback. teach me if i'm wrong and learn i know that you do not. #micsofotbot #terms and conditions however always please kindly do give me note when ever you are using for external use other than personal and if that personal too when its involving any one other than you or me or it or any personal pronoun in english grammer which can be applied to a living or a non living entity.

Hello Angular

this  is time to learn angular, here is  a hello! lets see how do we do abstraction in javascript. BTW {{ expression}}. wil be solved in any javascript librries we choose to use. Lets understand revealing pattern in jvascript. this revealing will help in distinguish functions from the list added. point any one thats needed for current context. #kishoretvk

sql server installation #kishoretvk

typeof tickles : javascript

#kishoretvk when using javascript type of, here is something cool to remember. if u have to compare string. then what goes corect typeof(variable) = string typeof(variable) = "String " typeof(variable) = "string" which is correct? #javascript #typeof #error  

JavavScript Puzzle

#kishoreTVK today a simple puzzle from javascript. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>Click the button to demonstrate the prompt box.</p> <button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button> <p id="demo"></p> <script> function myFunction() {     var person = prompt("Please Enter your flight id!", "Harry Potter");     if (person != null) {         document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =         "Hello " + person + "! Thanks for boarding our service";     } else { alert("Invalid name"); } } </script> </body> </html> thus my journey starts  the bug is simple one. 

Debuggers buzz C# corner

Learn C# as i memorize, revise, revisit and redo! my blog for C# and my space to keep myslef upto date. here  i will cover 1. C# 2. sql 3. javascript 4. Angular js 5. node js 6. web api 7. wcf 8. azure 9. big-data * and more of what you all contribute!